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Lois Yates Selected As A Mesa Chamber Of Commerce Vice-Chairman
MESA, Ariz. (Jan. 18, 2006) - Lois Yates, executive director of the Falcon Field Area Alliance, has been selected by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce to serve as a Vice-Chairman of the Board and chair of the group's Economic Development Council.
The Economic Development Council is charged with developing programs designed to encourage a healthy business climate within the Mesa community. The council oversees several Chamber committees, including those addressing transportation issues and the Mesa Business Speaks efforts.

"I'm honored to be selected for this very important position," says Yates. "Mesa is not only a focal growth area in our metropolitan market, but is being recognized throughout the nation for its dynamic potential. We have an opportunity to nurture a future of positive growth that serves both existing citizens, but also those future residents and businesses who become a part of our community."
Yates has been active in the Mesa Chamber of Commerce for two years. She currently is the Executive Director for the Falcon Field Area Alliance (FFAA), which is a private non-profit economic development partnership dedicated to promoting economic growth in the Falcon Field Business District. The FFAA works with both the private sector and public entities to market the Falcon Field Business District as a strong business location.
In addition to her involvement in these organizations, Yates is on the Board of Directors for the East Valley Partnership. She has worked on the Executive Committee of the Advisory Board for Red Mountain Community College. Also, she has served on the Scottsdale Airport Commission, the International Economic Development Council, the Arizona Association for Economic Development, East Valley Charities and the Arizona Chapter of March of Dimes.
Yates has held senior executive economic development positions in Florida, Michigan, New York, Maryland and Arizona. Prior to forming Falcon Field Area Alliance, Yates was the Vice President of the Greater Baltimore Alliance, a private-public partnership supported by major corporations, Baltimore City and the surrounding five Maryland counties. Yates is very active in national and statewide economic development organizations. She earned a masters degree in diplomacy and international commerce from the University of Kentucky and is a Certified Economic Developer.
About Falcon Field Area Alliance
The Falcon Field Area Alliance is a privately funded non-profit 501C6 corporation which is governed
by a local Board of Directors. The Board has broad-based membership and is inclusive of the many
different groups and interests in and around the Falcon Field area. Daedalus Real Estate Advisors,
LLC, developer of Longbow Business Park & Golf Club and Dover Industrial Park, is the sponsoring
partner. For more information visit or
call (480) 610-0815